Astronomy Solar System

First Iridium Flare

Today we were lucky and were able to observe 3 Iridium Flares. The latest with mag -8.1, which is the one shown on the video 🙂


Astronomy Saturn Solar System

First Try on Saturn

This is the first try at a shot of Saturn. Well, seems like either the Casio Exilim EX-FC100 isn’t suitable for photographing Saturn or I just haven’t found the right settings…

I’ll try again, promised 🙂Saturn

Astronomy Moon Solar System

First Moon Shot

Here is my first moon shot from 7th Jan 2014.

Also done with the Casio Exilim EX-FC100 directly at the ocular.Moon

Astronomy Jupiter Solar System

First Sight: Jupiter

Hello everyone,

so, for christmas, I got my first telescope. I’ll be posting my observations in this blog as I continue to see different objects in the night sky 🙂

On 4th Jan 2014, we started with Jupiter. The photo has been captured with a Casio Exilim EX-FC100 digital camera, hold to the ocular by hand (well, hopefully my equipment will get an upgrade soon 😉 ). You can see Jupiter with its 4 moons.Jupiter 01/04/2014