
SGS2 (I9100) CM9 – Superuser Force Close Fix

Hey everyone,

i have just installed the latest build of cm9 on my sgs2. It’s the first version is usable for me 🙂 But the Superuser app kept force closing every time.

But there is a simple fix:

  1. Download „Superuser Update Fixer“ from Market https://market.android.com/details?id=com.noshufou.android.su.fixer
  2. It will most likely say that everything is fine and you don’t have to fix anything.
  3. Simply tick the „force“ checkbox and fix it anyway.
  4. Now everything will start crashing, superuser and the fixer too 😉
  5. But hey! Look what’s there in the market. Now there is an update available for Superuser.
  6. Install the update and everything is working fine 🙂


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