First time I got to view this object 🙂 Didn’t as much time on it as on the others, but It came out quite well already 🙂
This is 11x30s at ISO800.
so I got my new telescope which I got via eBay – the Celestron C6N. It is a 150/750 f/5 newtonian telescope.
It replaced my very first telescope, the Celestron AstroMaster 114, which is a 114/1000 f/8.5 telescope.
So I made a comparison image of the two telescopes on M13 – the Hercules cluster. I think the difference is amazing! What do you say? 🙂
My new toy, the Celestron C6-N that I got via eBay, arrived just last week.
Finally yesterday night we had some clear sky after days 🙂 So I went out to test the new scope 🙂
And the results are awesome 🙂 I really love it 🙂 See my blog posts before this one to check out some results from tonight 🙂 Or check out the gallery below for shots of the new scope 🙂